- Olet täällä: Etusivu »
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- 27,50€
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Tilaa saatavuusilmoitus
Jos tuote tai haluamasi malli on päässyt loppumaan, tilaa ilmoitus niin kerromme heti, kun tuote on taas saatavilla.
Totonou is a young man who stands out--partly for his bushy hair, partly
for his finely honed abilities of observation and deduction. When
Totonou is accused of murder, he puts his skills to work delving into
the lives of the cops investigating him and uses his insights to find
the real murderer. After clearing his name, all Totonou wants to do is
return to his laidback, mundane life, but he can’t help but be drawn
into one mystery after another.
In his own blunt but gentle way, Totonou is just trying to make sense of a chaotic world.
Kieli: Englanti
Kirjailija: Yumi Tamura
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