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A charming sweet-talker and a timid computer programmer team up with
hopes of making a trillion dollars and getting everything they’ve ever
wanted in this world!Self-proclaimed “world’s greediest man” Haru and
timid computer whiz Gaku set out to make a trillion dollars. They start
the company Trillion Game to accomplish this task and hope to iron out
the details as they go. With charm, technical skills, and no business
plan, can these unlikely friends reach their lofty goal?After Haru and
Gaku become the first Japanese people in the 21st century to be listed
among the world’s top-ten billionaires, Gaku reflects on when he and
Haru met and the events that led to the founding of their company.
What started as a middle school acquaintanceship builds to a fruitful
and unorthodox partnership as the two progress on their ruthless path to
Kieli: Englanti
Kirjailija: Riichiro Inagaki, Ryoichi Ikegami
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