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- 14,00€
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Four hardcore heroes. One high-speed torpedo boat. Ten thousand
bullets!Lock n' load with the baddest group of mercenaries ever to hit
the high seas of Southeast Asia! Aboard their World War II torpedo boat,
the Black Lagoon, Dutch the Boss, Benny the Mechanic, Revy Two Hand,
and Rock, the salaryman from Japan, deliver anything, anywhere.
In the dangerous underworld of the Russian Mafia, Chinese triads,
Colombian drug cartels, crazed assassins, and ruthless mercenaries, it's
hard to know who to trust. But if you've got a delivery to make, and
you don't mind a little property damage along the way, you can count on
the crew of the Black Lagoon!Rokuro Okajima is just an average Japanese
salaryman, living an average life. But when he's taken hostage by the
crew of the Black Lagoon, Rokuro finds himself thrown headfirst into a
deadly world of outlawed heroes, brutal villains, and blazing gunfights.
Where he ends up is anyone's guess, but one thing is for certain—he's in for a wild ride!
Kieli: Englanti
Kirjailija: Rei Hiroe
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